Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Getting CLOSE to the Language of Eden

Getting CLOSE to  the Language of Eden 

Edenic letter color-groups: lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange);      = reverse

New Entry Alert (will be in the 2018 E-Word of 1870 pages, ready by Dec.)

PROX(IMATE)    QaROABH     Koof-Resh-Bhet
Ka-ROVE                קרוב                   [BRV > PRV]
ROOTS:  The historical linguistics professionals in the etymology game are often quite good at recognizing  APPROXIMATE, similar-sounding words with related meanings. But only if it fits accepted theory, and will earn them dissertation approval, a PhD and academic tenure. The ultra-orthodox Darwinists of this field would require a million examples of full root reversals, a most unnatural phenomenon, before they would concede that there may have been a non-simian, non-human Creation of language and a Big Bang in global diversity of vocabulary.
They will get their million examples; Edenics has only begun.

PROXIMATE and PROXIMITY (near in space or time) is from Latin proximāre, to come near, and proximus, nearest. These  are a full reverse of guttural-liquid-bilabial   קרוב  QaROABH, near in space (I Kings 21:2), APPROXIMATE, relative (adjective or noun);  near in time (Isaiah 13:22);  קרב  QaRahBH,  to near, to approach (Exodus 14:20).
Nearing for battle, for armies engaging in combat is קרב  Q’RaBH  (battle – see our entries on the armored, cantankerous  “CRAB” and  the “CORVETTE” -- the French warship, not the sports car). There’s an echo of חרב  KHeReBH, sword, war.  Parting company, the distancing of warring parties,  the opposite of our QRB root, is  פרד PaRaiD -- which is why German “peace” is Frieden.

 There is קרב  QaRahBH nearing for intimacy with a woman (Genesis 20:4) or with the Lord (Exodus 16:9)… perhaps by offering a   קרבן QoRBahN (offering). Tokens/indicators  of spiritual intimacy are the  כרובים  KRooBHeeYM (cherubs) atop the Ark. (When G*d and an obedient Israel were on loving terms, the golden cherubs faced each other like lovers. The tone deaf and Torah-hating bible “scholars have even tried to compare Cherubs to griffins.)

 קרב  QeReBH is inward, and the body’s innards.  In  קרבנות QoRBahNOAT (offerings) we discard the intestines -- see GARBAGE words at entries “CRAP” and “CRAW” ( the inedible  stomach of fowl).  In Genesis 18:12 Sarah laughs  בקרבה  B’QiRBaH (within herself), while in Genesis 25:22 Rebecca’s children are struggling “within her”, in her womb… with the same word.
A drawing near, an approach, is a קרבה  Q’RahBHaH   (Isaiah 58:2).
בקרב הארץ  B’QeReBH Ha’AReTS means in the midst of he land (Genesis 45:6).

Because the Latin root, PRX,  came from a fully-reversed Edenic root, it is unsurprising that no Indo-European cognates were found to reconstruct a fake “root.”

BRANCHES: PROXIMA CENTAURI is the nearest star to Earth after the sun. PROXiMAl means nearest.  PROXIMO is archaic for “the next one.”  PROXY is more logically from our Edenic QRB root reversed than from Latin prōcūrāre (to take care of).
In Basque near” is  hurbil,  and PROXIMITY is hurbiltasun, an  S-G of קרוב   QaROABH, near.   This is close to  Semitic “nearby” words like āk’irabīya  in Amharic (Ethiopia),   قريب  qarib in Arabic, and Semitic-influenced languages like Swahili (karibu). Portuguese had a period of Arabic influence, but próximo (next, near, close, nearby, coming, forthcoming) is a full reverse of guttural-liquid-bilabial   קרוב  QaROABH, and so we are talking prehistoric, neuro-linguistics (Tower of Babel-babble), not the usual historical linguistics.
Korean has no R, so “proximity” sounds like geunjeob 근접.

AfterWORD: In 2016 academia was fully exposed as being run by twisted, far-Left anarchists and atheists who demand only conformity to their view, and a silencing of discourse. The reputation of our radically not-objective, non-scientific Soft Science professors is in the dumpster. In time, Edenics shall safely bury the trash of Semitically-challenged etymology.  www.edenics.org